Commissions & Testimonials



Hello David,


Happy New Year !   

Wishing you and your family all the best in 2024.

I must tell you that Thanksgiving this past year will be forever remembered so much for your painting, Eagle Island, Maine.

It was so special to be able to receive it on that Thursday morning, and I’ll forever remember the way the sunshine entered my car at that time of day, it was a glowing November sun that morning when I met Cindy, and the colors of your painting sparkled in this glow, which only was paralleled by the tremendous smell of the paint as I began to drive away.  My senses, when triggered in multiple ways at the same time, enabled me memories in ways that just are unforgettable, and will last with me forever.  Our “masterpiece” welcomed me into this relationship this way on November 23.

I so glad you recommended brightening up this painting and adding more light and blue skies. This location deserves to be enjoyed on a sunny, clear day.

I want to mention that I’ve had time to spend reflecting with this painting.  After the holiday gatherings had past, I was able to really sit with this painting, and it’s “alive”.   As I’ve sat at different times of the day, with different light on it, and it changes and moves as the sun plays with its colors that it’s almost as if my eyes witness the ebb and flow of the tide, and even if it’s not so much moving it certainly moves me to be at a place that holds a special place in my heart.  A place I’ll always love at be at.

David, this painting will be more than a physical part of my home, it will enhance why my home is my home.   I’m coming up on thirty years here, and there have been moments over these three decades where something has made my home more of a home for me, and this painting is certainly one more reason.

Thank you, again.


Commissions accepted.

Please contact the artist to discuss your custom painting.